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Asking “Why I write” is the same as asking why we do anything, why we make the choices we make, why we like certain things, what motivates us to express ourselves in certain ways? Why write at all? Why do art at all? Everyone has their own motives for creative expression, and I put writing in the same category as any other form of art, because I believe they are all forms of expression and ways of delivering a message. Even as a young kid we spend time doodling and writing, using our creative mind without realizing it. Cavemen were artists, and art from our past has been studied since humans have been making it. It seems to be something we feel compelled to do, like a curiosity to learn. After heavy analysis, I realized my motivations to write can be simple and complex at the same time. I have done my best to pinpoint what exactly those motivations are.


For the same reasons that I am appealed to other forms of art, I am appealed to writing. I believe like most anything else, it begins with our genetics. Due to my mom's artistic ability and my dad's sensitivity, I believe that I have inherited a combination of genes that make me very naturally attracted to the arts and writing. Being an introvert, I don't always express myself to others, which inspires me to turn to other avenues in order to do that. Writing is one of those avenues for me.

I remember doing hooked-on-phonics as a kid to improve my reading and writing before I even went to school. Perhaps that encouraged me to do it. I was told I excelled at that at a young age. A paper I wrote in 5th grade was used as an example of an 'A' paper in front of the class. I wrote a poem in 8th grade that was praised by my teacher. I was in AP literature in high- school. And essentially writing to me was always the easiest assignment, especially when it was personal.


But writing academically was simply something I could do, and only occasionally did I express myself in a paper for school. When teachers would allow us to write what we wanted in form of a poem or story, I always found myself getting very involved in the project to the point where the grade wasn't really what I was working for, but more the personal satisfaction in the result and the message.


So writing became a way to express myself; whether that be my emotions, or to entertain the creative side of my mind, I used writing to say things that represented me, and it felt and still feels like a release, like a cathartic experience. I can't say for sure why I feel that. I suppose I could say, like any other form of art, I am creating a piece of myself, something I have a connection to and have created, and that can be an emotional and meaningful experience that says something about who I am, what my place is in this world, and how I understand this life I'm living.


Not all of my writing is a deep experience however. There are multiple different types of writing that I use to express myself, just like there are many songs that one musician can write (which I also do). I can't name all of the types because it seems limitless, but I can name the major ones. One is imaginative writing, being creative and mostly fictional. I have had an imaginative mind since childhood and remember loving the magic of the Wizard of Oz and other fantastic stories. I have thought of writing a fictional book with a very fantastic plot involving aliens coming to earth. I have also written a children's book which involves a flying bed. When I write in this way, I am mostly doing it for entertainment and fun. Using my mind as an outlet rather than something that looks inward and analyzes me.


Another form is humorous writing. I think this one is self explanatory. I love a good laugh, but just because it is funny doesn't mean it doesn't represent me or is a form of expression. I used to write short, humorous stories with my cousin when I was in middle school. They were called 'Hippo the Mippo' and told a story of a very troubled hippopotamus that nobody loved, it was funny to us in a very sarcastic way. Just a couple days ago, I wrote a humorous script for the film group M-agination. This type of writing is mostly fun expression as well.


The last major one involves deeper emotion, I call it tormented writing. These tend to end up in the form of song lyrics. This type of writing allows me to express things that I have trouble dealing with in my life. Things I don’t always feel comfortable talking about, things that I have been curious about, things that torment me, and many philosophical thoughts I have about life. I like music that speaks to me and therefore lyrics are very important to me. This type of writing helps to get those emotions out. Like I mentioned before, being an introvert requires me to express myself in other ways than simply talking with people. I spend a lot of time thinking in my own head and have trouble turning it off and feeling peace of mind. Writing helps to give my mind an outlet for these emotions and thoughts. Its a similar feeling to working out or getting lost in playing a sport. That outlet gives satisfaction to a desire to utilize the tools I have creatively.


Finally, writing can express an idea that I am having trouble fleshing out in my head. Like speaking with someone, the act of writing organizes thoughts and gives clarity to ideas. It also records thoughts so you don’t have to remember them once you’ve had them. I feel satisfaction from doing that. I feel satisfaction from expressing myself in many different ways, including writing. I can't fully explain why the desire exists, but I can say it is what motivates me to write. 



“Why I Write" by Patrick Beger

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