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Shark Tank, for those who haven't seen it, is a reality show where inventors and idea makers present their invention / business plan to potential investors called "sharks." The sharks are all very wealthy entrepreneurs and some very well known, including Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, known for being high profile and young. These sharks review the idea, invention and/or business plan while asking the inventors (the people presenting their product / idea) questions in order to determine whether or not it would be a good investment.

This textual analysis of The Mindy Project is going to focus on the use of embedded feminism and post-feminism to make claims about how women are represented in the text, and more specifically, how the post-feminist characteristics of some of the characters reinforce stereotypes of women and highlight the power differences of men and women in today's society. The most obvious representation of women found in the text is in the lead character, Mindy, who is often represented as a lovable yet somewhat blissfully unaware and goofy New York City doctor, which is a clear dichotomy of what we consider to be "natural" characteristics of a doctor.  

Tree Walking
The Mindy Project Textual Analysis
An Analysis of Shark Tank: Narrative and meaning

Communications: My Major

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